Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Oh Nah Nah, What's Her name?

Oh Nah Nah, What's her name? Oh Na Na, Rihanna's her name!!! Rihanna is one of the top celebrity trendsetters that has been considered a fashion icon. She's been featured in the December 2010 issue of Interview Magazine talking about her future and opinions on the fashion world. She states, “I’m over the whole structured clothing, overly shoulder-padded shit. I like stuff that’s easy without trying too hard. I don’t like stuff that’s too contrived. I’m not into trends or trendy style anymore. [A year from now] I probably see a lot of menswear, or something extremely, extremely feminine. But I like to play with both.” Hmm is Rihanna right about seeing a lot of menswear? What do you think?

photo: Found on

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